Disktective 6.0
Disktective – еще одна программа для анализа занимаемых данных на жестком диске. Полученная информация отображается в визуальном виде, что позволяет быстро найти и удалить ненужные данные.
Подробнее о DisktectiveИнформация о Disktective 6.0
Название | Disktective 6.0 |
Операционные системы |
Статус | Freeware |
Раздел | Система |
Тип | Работа с файлами |
Язык | Английский |
Размещено в каталоге | 06 июня 2011 |
Изменения в Disktective 6.0
Обновление от 3 октября 2010 года.
- Обновлены функции программы.
- Исправлено большинство известных ошибок.
Release of version 6.0, freeware for Windows.
New features:
* Enhanced appearance and improved animation of the progress bar.
* Enhanced appearance of the status panel (this is the panel that displays 'ready', 'working', 'paused', 'error').
* Enhanced appearance of the toolbar buttons.
* Added: inside the settings screen, you can now specify whether a report will be displayed in bytes, kilobytes or megabytes.
* Added: an option '[none]' to display reports without thousands separators.
* Added: when Disktective uses megabytes or kilobytes (as specified in the configuration screen) and some amount is rounded to zero megabytes or zero kilobytes (but the actual amount is not zero bytes), '+0' is displayed (instead of just '0').
* Changed: the number of bytes, kilobytes or megabytes) displayed no longer contains leading zeroes but leading spaces. This is done to improve readability. The leading zeroes where used to improve alignment in previous releases.
* Changed: the report font is now a fixed-width Courier type to improve text-alignment.
* Changed: the report file format has been changed to '.disktec6' (Menu: File/Save as, Menu: File/Open). This means that reports created with previous versions, cannot be opened in this release (not even if you rename the file extension). Moreover, a '.disktec6' report file can contain multiple reports (trees).
* Improved: one of the advantages of the new file format is that the pie chart will now function when reports are loaded using Menu: File/Open. Previously the pie chart only functioned with freshly created reports.
You can now sort reports (trees) using various criteria:
* Added: Menu: Sort/Alphabetically.
* Added: Menu:Sort/By size.
* Added: Menu: Sort/Reverse/Alphabetically.
* Added: Menu: Sort/Reverse/By size.
The menu structure of Disktective has changed.
* There is a new 'File' menu, which contains items to save reports, open reports and print the pie chart. When you perform 'Menu: File/Save as', all reports (in the left-hand pane) will be saved to a single '.disktec6' file. When you perform 'Menu: File/Open', any report (in the left-hand pane) will be replaced by the contents of the selected file.
* The report menu now contains items to delete the selected report (the active tree), delete all reports (all trees), and export the current report (tree) to HTML file or TreePad .hjt file.
* Added: a statusbar to the bottom of the screen.
* The 'Total number of files' message has been moved to statusbar.
* Added: If you click on a report (a tree) the statusbar will show the total number of files associated with that report. If have multiple reports open, and you click on another report (another tree), the 'number of files' message inside the statusbar will be updated according to the number of files in that report.
* Moved: the status-message "scanning: <current directory>" now is displayed inside the statusbar.
* Improved compatibility with DEP (data execution prevention) in Windows XP, 7 and Vista.
* Unfortunately, Disktective no longer runs on Windows 95 because it needs the system file gdiplus.dll which is not included in (nor compatible with) Windows 95.
* Disktective is compatible with Windows 98. However, some versions of Windows 98 miss the Microsoft gdiplus.dll file which is necessary. In that case, this dll can be downloaded separately. See here on where to get this file. Just copy the gdiplus.dll file into the Disktective program directory (or the Windows directory), then start Disktective.
* We tested Disktective successfully on Linux using Wine 1.2.1. To start Disktective on Linux/Wine you might first need to update the file permissions of the executable so that it is allowed to be executed. Then right-click on the executable and select a menu item similar to 'Open with Wine'. If this option is not available on your Linux distribution, (1) open a terminal window, (2) then goto the Disktective program directory (3) and type 'wine disktective.exe'. Some older versions of Wine do not run Disktective properly. This is due to a bug in the implementation of the gdiplus API in these Wine versions. To find out your Wine version, just type 'wine --version' in a terminal window.
Скачать Disktective 6.0
Несмотря на то, что перед публикацией мы проверяем файлы несколькими антивирусами, увы, в современном мире это не гарантирует их 100% безвредности. В этой связи редакция портала F1CD.ru не несёт ответственности за ущерб, который может быть причинён Disktective 6.0 и любым другим ПО, а также настоятельно рекомендует проверять загруженные программы Вашим антивирусом.
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